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Doomite Central Happenings
Friday, 13 February 2004
2/13/2K4: DCH's Grand Opening!
Hello and welcome to Doomite Central Happenings, the new Blog run exclusively by Ashkelon! If you were directed here by my "Inside the Doomite Mind" blog, this blog will be devoted to my new "stomping ground," as it were. "ITDM" will continue to be updated, it'll just be my "all-purpose" blog. There! Now that the introductions are out of the way, I can get down to the "meat and potatoes" of this entry.

If you will recall from "ITDM," I posted something to the effect that it's a shame I couldn't post pictures in that blog. Well surprise surprise, I CAN post pictures in THIS blog! Soooooo, without further ado, here are the first pictures taken at Doomite Central, AKA the REAL Den of Ashkelon! As usual, rolling your mouse over the thumbnails will tell you a little about the picture, and clicking on the thumbnails will take you to "The Big Picture." Then just click the "Back" button on your browser to get back to this entry.

Here's the Monte and I, standing outside my front door. It may be small, but it's all I need! Notice the Doomite V3D poster by the bed! Ahhh, here you see 'The Axe' propped up in the corner by the closet! It might not be the best picture, but it shows my computer and the front door from the inside. The kitchen, plain and simple.

Well, there you have it, Doomite Central in a nutshell. I'll be posting more as time marches on. Until then, the Doomite is Out! *and gone*

Posted by planetdoom at 1:53 PM MST
Updated: Friday, 13 February 2004 1:56 PM MST
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