Welcome to the Chamber of Tributes. These are all solely dedicated to the Shady Lady of Planet Doom,
the most misunderstood and least-appreciated, yet by far the most powerful
assistant to King Zarkon, Haggar, the Witch. With all the webpages out there
devoted to Voltron, we have yet to see a page that gives credit to where
credit has long been overdue! This page will be an entirely different story!
To those fortunate ones who enter this chamber,
be aware of your surroundings and show some respect to the Poisoned
Apple of Ashkelon's eye. You will see some Tributes to Haggar, as
well as some great pictures of her. Enjoy this Realm, and remember the
Goddess who almost destroyed Voltron in the Beginning!

Her Favorite Style
Lonely Boy
30 Min. of Pure Wishful Thinkin'

In my opinion, they're BOTH babes!
Ah, the penetrating Glare...
Here's looking at you, m'dear!
I never miss a wicked face..
Here's a shot with our cat, Coba.
The Goddess that she really is...
She's lovely when she's preturbed...
Never underestimate the Power of Haggar!
Another shot with Coba...
The Shady Lady...
Just look at that gorgeous face!
Standing before Zarkon's Throne, with Coba...
Too bad she only did this in one episode...
Sven has felt the power of Haggar!
She's beautiful when she smiles...
She's even more beautiful when she's triumphant...
Here she is with Cossack...

Pictures of Coba:
Here, kitty kitty kitty...
Here's a good profile-shot of Coba...
(Thanks to the Voltron Cafe for this picture!)
Coba's got a good eye on things.
A picture of Coba from the coloring book I colored
with Photoshop

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