The Official Home
of the Voltron Force (
This is a fan-site run by World Events Productions, the company that
translated the original Golion anime into Voltron: Defender of the
Universe! a MUST-SEE for every fan of Voltron!
Cossack the Terrible's Tour of Planet Doom (
If we here at the Den of Ashkelon gave out awards for the coolest Doomite site, this one would definitely be one of the top sites in the running! I always knew Cossack would come up with something cool on his own... *grins* Check out the site, that's an order!
SG-B's Hyaku Ju O Goraion Page (
At long last, a replacement Go-Lion site! There's a long story involved in the "original" Go-Lion site, run by someone other than SG-B, but we won't go there right now...
The Voltron Web-Cartoon? (
For now, it'll only show you a preview of Voltron forming the Blazing
Sword. Different than anything we've seen that has to do with
Voltron. Let's hope it turns out cool! (
Not Voltron-related, but some pretty darn good music! If you're a fan
of "real" heavy metal, check these guys out! "Wimps & Posers LEAVE THE HALL!"
The Voltron Image Archive (
If you're looking for Voltron-related images, this site is for you.
We're still looking through it at the moment, but so far, this site
gets the Doomite Seal of Approval!
Our Next-Door Neighbor on Planet Doom
Gemma Smith's site is back and better than ever! Here's another cool site for fans of the Darker Side of Voltron! Gemma is a HUGE fan of Prince Lotor, and her old Planet Doom site was one of the first Doomite sites I stumbled upon when I was first gathering links to put here in the Den. Check her new site out, or face the Slave Whip!!! Ah ha ha ha!!
David Mark Din's Voltron Page
David Mark Din has had trouble with finding a server that won't come
out from under him. For now, he has no site, but we'll keep you posted,
and when he gets back on-line, the link will be here.
DeWald's Voltron Page (
This was one of the first Voltron webpages I discovered back in late
1997, when I was just getting into Voltron. Now, it has improved, with
lots of cool pics, sound files, and .mpg movie clips of Golion (AKA
"Lion Force Voltron") and Dairugger XV (AKA "Vehicle Voltron"). A
great site to check out! (Dani's site was the winner of the 1999
Voltron Academy Award for Best Website. Yes, it's that cool!)
FINALLY! A Voltron Games Site! (
Ash found this site on November 13th, 2001. Talk about awesome, where else can you download more than one Voltron-related computer game? And the games are actually pretty cool, too! Oh yeah, you can also adopt Voltron characters, check out pictures, and more! Definitely a cool site!
The Chronicles of Doom (
Another website devoted to Planet Doom fan-fic. Check it out!
Shannon Muir's Voltron Site (
Check this page out! Shannon has some great overviews for all the
Voltron episodes, as well as a section devoted to "guest" characters
of the series. (Shannon's site was one of five sites nominated for
the 1999 Voltron Academy Award for Best Website!)
Chris Augustin's Voltron Site
Chris has a LOT of cool files on his page, including more pictures of
Haggar, sounds, movie files, and more!
Lady Jade's Voltron Vault
This is another site that Ash has yet to fully experience. However, the sitemistress left a great comment in our guestbook, and what Ash has seen looks great, so he figured it wouldn't hurt to link to it.
Galaxy Garrison (
Chios' website is one of the few Vehicle Voltron sites out there...
Lotsa cool V.V. pictures...I'm still checking it out, though...
The Voltron Cafe (
Notlion's Voltron site has stagnated, but what's there is cool: Original screenshots and character bios. Check it out!
Voltron's Dorm (
By ALL means, check this site out! It's HILARIOUS! This person draws
their own Voltron comics!! I say again, check it out!
KAEX Central Station (
This fan-fic site is run by a great lady who calls herself "Lionesse."
Definitely check her site out! (Thanks for the episodes, Lionesse!)
Castle Doom (
This site is the Official Home of the Anti-Heroes of Voltron Webring. Overall, a great site!
Lotor: The Prince of Planet Doom
This site has LOTS of
information on Lotor, including enough screenshots to satisfy any fan!
Great Stuff!
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Tree-Beast Forest |
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The Third Dimension | About Ashkelon |
Doomite Plastic Surgery |