Prince Lotor: An exact duplicate of
Voltron, but better. Built from stolen blueprints...
It's got computerized circuits, built-in weapons, and magnified
Haggar: I've provided a glamourous touch by darkening the circles under his eyes.
If you are a fan of Voltron, you'll recognize this bit of dialogue from Episode #44 of the First Season, or "Voltron Vs. Voltron." And if you've seen this great episode, you know how it ends: the Voltron Force finds out our plans with the help of that pesky friend of Bobby's. "Next time, I'll produce the five lions too!" Haggar exclaimed as we watched her latest masterpiece go up in flames. Well, guess what? We HAVE produced the five lions this time...
Here's what the litle blurb on the back of the box says:
(This is what the honchos at Trendmasters were told to print on the boxes. This was to fool the fans of Voltron into buying the toys, but the toys inside the box are NOT the real Voltron lions!! If you don't believe this, see for yourself! Get your hands on any of the Trendmasters Lion Voltron toys, assemble the lions, and check out the black circles under "Voltron's" eyes!)
Now, a lot of people might say that they're just toys, so who cares? Well, They may be toys, but they are toys from Planet Doom, and as long as those troublemakers at Galaxy Garrison don't know, we'll keep the fans of Voltron happy, even with the Doomite version of Voltron!
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